Well it has been a very good year for me, modeling wise. At the beginning of the year I had this gut feeling and even considered 2010 to be 'the year of the model' for me. Looking back, I completed no less than twelve builds this year. Considering that some even had landscaped bases and figures, this for me was a fairly large number. Although not all of them were posted here, most can be found by scrolling back a few pages even if not in their completed state. Perhaps I will find some time in the new year to do a 'year in review' type of update.
Christmas came and went and I have been enjoying my down time by building LEGOS with my little man. He received some really great kits this year and they have been keeping him occupied during his school vacation. We received a ton of snow which kept me busy plowing for a day or so and the wood stove has been working overtime.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and here's hope for a happy new year to each and every one of you who've followed me along the way. I plan on continuing my modeling streak during 2011 and may even try to one up myself with some larger projects. I have some great ideas and even something of size in the works but more on that in due time.
Just so this isn't a completely text filled post I will attach some pictures of what little modeling I have done during this last month. I am not a big fan of the one and only half track crew figure set on the market, so I cobbled together figures and parts from the spares box that I have acquired over the years for my XX Corps M2A1 vignette. In the next few pictures they are placed in the vehicle in their primer black state, I still have some final trimming and sanding to do but this should give some idea of what I am aiming for. I've also added some more personal gear and need to do some final painting of the added straps and other bits so you may see some odd spots, shiny from glue or unpainted. Not to worry as when it is all said and done, you wont see a thing.

Lastly, before we ring in the new year here's a small glimpse at what has found it's way to my bench, Hobby Boss's HST. OK, it hasn't actually spent much time at the bench at all, this has been a TV tray model I have been tinkering with while sitting with the family as they all play with their new Christmas presents.
Truth be told, this isn't quite up to par with what you may or may not be familiar with when it comes to modern kits. There are some big ejection pin marks and a few slight fit problems but at the same time, it is a kit full of detail and promise and of a great subject matter as well. I absolutely cannot wait to paint this thing, as it gives me a lot of scope to go wild, with the over the top shading and weathering effects that will probably get some peoples blood boiling. I'm a sucker for those slightly exaggerated painting and weathering effects that bring the model from the toy like phase into a realm of 'realism'.

So happy new year and happy modeling to all of you, may you find more time to cut and glue in the coming year so that you can fully enjoy this wonderful hobby that we all partake in whether you build strictly out of the box, or spend the year correcting the kits rivets. Here's hoping for less of the negative complaining in the forums and more of the posting of pictures of all of these long awaited and recently released kits being built and as always, 'build how you like and like how you build.'
With warm regards,