Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Left field progess

I'm not sure what else to do to this besides the missing headlights and then painting of the pick-axe handle in wood grain and the head in a steel color. To be perfectly honest, the weathering appears to be missing a little something but I'm not sure what. Due to the size, I feel a little out of my element, as well as the fact that it's a desert vehicle so there's no really need for the big swaths of mud and such.

I will give this one a rest for now and go back to other projects that need my attention. For now I think I'm good, perhaps whatever it is that I feel is lacking will hit me over the next week or so. I might want to take this one to AMPS East.


  1. Very cool 'lil machine. Imagine riding in that thing! Wild. Another solid build with a great finish dood.

  2. Absolutely fantastic work Ken. I've been drooling all over the keyboard looking at your creations. Very inspiring and wonderfully informative. Off at a slight tangent, but what happened to all your vids on You tube?

  3. Ash,

    Thank you for your kind words.

    I am in the process of revamping my youtube page, the videos are temporarily unlisted. I will be posting a new video explaining why and linking to all the old videos shortly, things have just been really busy here as I prepare for AMPS East, two day model show.

