Non stop in my spare time even.
I think I'm about done with my X-Wing, I added an R2 unit and the pilot figure, cheesy as he may be and then gave the model a flat coat to kill the shine. I may revisit this some time in the future when I figure out exactly how those ILM guys got their 'dirty universe' look but for now, it's gone to the shelf looking like this.

My 'Stuart' tank is still in progress, I have been attacking it slowly with layers of oil paints to show some dust and fuels stains. I will continue to tweak the look as I am aiming for a really dirty vehicle, covered with dust and grime in layers, giving the vehicle some depth and the impression of a tank under constant pressure, with no time for any maintenance. I still have to figure out what I will do for stowage in the rear basket, I don't have any British gear, so whatever I use will have to be scratch built.

Lastly for today is my Dodge command car. As I may have mentioned previously, this is being built for an online competition, which can be found on I am very close to completion with this and only have a few small tweaks and then I can mount it on it's base. Nothing too fancy or extravagant, just some simple groundwork and a tree, to give the scene a little extra something to hopefully edge out the competition and bag myself a decent prize.

As always, clicking on the picture will increase the size to allow for more detailed viewing. Comments are always welcome.