.and I apologize for that but I
am modeling.
Aside from four commissioned builds through repeat customers on Ebay (which wont be posted here) I have been very busy at the bench. Most recently my time has been spent on four different projects I have been working on with Woody Vondracek of Archer Fine Transfers. I have recently had four separate transfer sheets released for the Allied half track, two for M3 75mm GMC tank destroyers, one for a Darby's Rangers vehicle in Italy,
HERE the other the 3rd Marine division in Bougainville
HERE. Prior to that there were two other releases, two M3A1 half tracks, one from the 62nd field artillery batt.
HERE and another from the 12th armored division
HERE. For the Allied half track builder these may come in handy for creating vehicles not offered in the kit box and let it be known there are more sets in the works.
Now, lets talk plastic.
One project that I have been slowly plugging away on in the back ground is my Ambush scene, which will show a buttoned up M3A3 light tank in British markings being tracked by a couple of German soldiers. It has been a while since I have painted Oak Leaf and/or Plain Tree German camouflage patterns and I am looking forward to it. This is the tank as it sits today, decals applied and a gloss coat ready for weathering.

I still have many things to do but this might give you a feel for where the scene is heading. The figures have only begun to get assembled, the groundwork is a mere start to what it will eventually look like and the tank itself still needs a lot of work. The toothpicks represent the placement of the future fence posts and there may also be some things leaning against the fence, with ivy and such growing throughout it, to help hide the soldiers position from the front. This will really lend itself to the title 'Ambush' as the only way I want to figures visible, is when the scene is viewed from the back.

Then there is my XX Corps M2A1 in Belgium, another long time side project I have been working on here and there. It is a very interesting vehicle when one studies the photos carefully, although at a quick glance it appears to be a run of the mill M2A1, but it is not and I have done what I could to represent those features that make it stand out which are not called out in the kits instructions. I may actually feature a more detailed build later either here, or for another site. Whatever I decide to do the final, finished pictures will get posted here as this isn't the first time I have mentioned this build and it wouldn't be fair to leave those of you following in the dark. If it does get written up as an article for another site, I will of course, include a link.

I still have a ton of work to do here as well, as all of the separate sub assemblies are merely dry fit together for this update. You can see various stages of weathering taking place as some of the white wash is brighter than other areas. When all is said and done, it will represent what the vehicle might have looked like long after those photos were taken. I have also used a bit of artistic license by placing some scratch built stowage on the fenders not seen in the pictures...
but stowage is sort of my 'thing' and I just couldn't help my self.

I have also started a brand new project for an online competition and I'm keeping it rather small, due to the two month time frame allotted for the build. This will feature a 3/4 ton Dodge command car with a soldier lounging in the back seat with a bottle and a smoke, under the shade of a tree. I may use the 82 Airborne markings that come with the kit in which case I will need to add some sculpted pockets to the soldiers pants. We'll see what happens after I start slinging the paint.

Last but certainly not least is another side project that I may have mentioned here at one time or another. This isn't really armor per say, nor is it really aircraft. I suppose in a galaxy far, far away, it might be considered a combination of both? I still need to give the whole model a dull coat, finish the R2 unit and seat the pilot but it's nearing completion. I took a little liberty with the paint scheme as I didn't want to portray any particular vehicle from any of the movies, so the yellow on the wings is artistic license. I'm not worried about someone digging up photos of these in action though to call me out on my improper paint scheme. We're talking about science fiction after all.

As I have mentioned before, clicking on the pictures should greatly increase their size, allowing you to nit pick the details. You can either right click and 'open in new window' and then close that window when done, or left click and use the back button to return here to the blog. Thanks for looking in and as always, comments, questions, critiques and anything else is always welcome